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2024年春季学期报到注册 Registration for 2024 Spring Semester

发布日期:2024-02-24   点击量:



Dear all international students,

2024 Spring Semester is approaching. Please read the registration information below carefully and follow the steps:

老生报到时间:2024年2月25日 (星期日);

新生报到时间:2024年3月5日 (星期二)- 3月6日(星期三)

Old International Students:February 25 (Sunday),2024

New International Students:

March 5 (Tuesday) to March 6(Wednesday),2024


February 25, 2024 is the registration date for old international students. Classes will be on starting from February 26, 2024.The registration period for new international students is from March 5 to March 6, 2024.Those who do not finish the registration on time without approval of International College will be disqualified from studying at ZAFU.


Old International Students


Registration Arrangement


All old international students should complete fingerprint attendance, registration form filling, psychological test in the lobby of International Student Apartment and complete payment on Smart ZAFU App from 9:00 to 12:00 a.m. on February 25, 2024.


Please go to the offices 515, 517 and 519 of No. 3 College Building to complete the registration procedures on February 25, 2024 (09:00-11:30, 13:30-16:30) with the original passport, copy of residence permit, registration form for international students, copy of registration form of residence for visitors from overseas and psychological test form.


Registration Procedures


Please check the academic status and sign for confirmation at Academic Affairs Office (No. 3 College Building 3-515).


Please submit your passport and a copy of your residence permit at Visa Office (No. 3 College Building 3-517) to verify the validity of the certificate and sign for confirmation. Pleasesubmit the latest registration form of residence for visitors from overseas.


Please submit the registration form and psychological test form at International Student Management Office (No. 3 College Building 3-519).Undergraduate students are required to submit the Performance and Attendance Statistics Form for the previous semester at the same time.Pleaseshow the "Smart ZAFU" APP to complete the payment, update the system information, and affix the registration seal. Those students who have no arrears will complete the registration process.Those who have arrears will not be able to complete the registration procedures, and only provide the registration forms for filing.


Requirements for Registration


Please do a good job of self-health monitoring to keep healthy without fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, diarrhea and other symptoms;


If there are fever, nausea and other symptoms, you can apply for returning to school after treatment in local medical institutions.


New International Students


Registration Procedure


Step1Please notify ZAFU Admissions Office of flight, train and arival information in advance before the start of 2024 Spring Semester.


Step 2After arriving at ZAFU, please bring the original passport and the letter of admission to China Mobile Hall (the first floor of Building A12 of ZAFU Donghu campus) to apply for a campus sim card, and make an online appointment for the entrance examination (examination address: Hangzhou International Travel Healthcare Center).


Step 3Please sign the accommodation contract at the International Student Apartment (No. 2 Building of Pingshan Student Apartment, 111 Nonglin Street, Lin'an District, Hangzhou City) with the original passport and admission letter, and complete the accommodation registration process at ZAFU Police Station (2nd floor of Building A12, ZAFU Donghu Campus) with the original and copy of the passport and accommodation contract.




Please complete the registration and payment procedures between March 7 and March 18,2024 according to the requirements of Admission Officeafter receiving a qualified medical examination report.


If there are fever, nausea and other symptoms, you can apply for registration after treatment in local medical institutions.




Students need to finish several steps in different offices and then hand in the form.


All international students should pay attention to balanced nutrition, strengthen exercise, do well in personal safety protection, and ensure good health.


Campus Map

地址:浙江省杭州市临安区武肃街666号    Address:666 Wusu Street,lin'an District,Hangzhou,China 311300

国内电话:0571-63748756,0571-63926891    Overseas Tel:+86-571-63741155,+86-571-63926893    Email:iczafu@163.com

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