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木材科学与工程Wood Science and Engineering

发布日期:2023-09-05   点击量:




Wood Science and Engineering was founded in 1988. After more than 30 years of development, it is now fully accredited as national first-class undergraduate major, national characteristic major, province-level key major, the first national reforming pilot major of top-notch innovative series Education and Training Program for Outstanding Agricultural and Forestry Talentsand has been recognised by the International professional certification by Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST) in 2018. The major relies on the Faculty of Forestry Engineering First-class Discipline (Class A)in Zhejiang Province, supported by high-level platforms such as the National Engineering Technology Research Center for Comprehensive Utilization of Wood Based Resources and Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Wood Science and Technology. It has formed distinctive talent training characteristics in fields such as intelligent manufacturing. Graduates can be competent for scientific research and technological development in the field of wood and composite materials, and have fully developed into the academic elite and technical backbone of the industry.

The training program is based on moral education and adheres to the combination of knowledge imparting and value guiding. The concept of "green materials, environmental protection, sustainable development, and scientist spirit" runs through the whole process of education and attaches importance to the overall and lifelong development of the students. Based on strictly following the talent training standards of forestry engineering specialty of the Ministry of Education, a new engineering curriculum system for wood and its composite material design, processing and application is urgently needed. Focusing on the five-party coordination of "government, industry, education, research and application", new education mechanism and training program will be established to strengthen the cultivation of students' practical ability and innovative spirit, and realize the unification of social development, industrial prosperity and talent training. Under the framework of the SWST professional certification system, the training program will actively expand students' international vision and their cross-cultural communication capabilities, and enhance students' international competitiveness in all aspects.

、培养目标Educational objectives







Wood Science and Engineering is devoted to training leading innovative talents who not only possess basic theories and professional knowledge in structures, properties and processing of wood, wood based composites and biomass materials, but also possess basic abilities in wood identities & preservations, productions of wood (biomass) based materials, and the design, processing and management of wood (biomass) products and furniture, and have the awareness of ecological civilization, innovative spirit and entrepreneurial ability. These talents can play a leading role in environmental protection, functional material and product research and development, intelligent production management, information marketing, quality inspection and other work in wood and biomass composite material processing enterprises, furniture manufacturing enterprises, building decoration companies, real estate development enterprises, customs, and commodity inspection units.

Students of this major are expected to achieve the following goals in about 5 years after graduation:

   (1) Become an academic elite in this field, and be able to effectively use this professional knowledge and technology to study and solve complex academic problems in wood and related fields;

   (2) Become a business backbone in the industry, possess strong professional capabilities, and can play a leading role in a team with a multidisciplinary background;

   (3) Have a certain international vision and lifelong learning ability, and be able to make important contributions to the development of the department;

   (4) Have good professional ethics and social responsibility, and have the will and ability to serve the society.

、专业核心课程 Core courses

   1.木材学A (Wood Science A)

   2.木材干燥学 (Wood Drying Science)

   3.胶合材料学 (Adhesive)

   4.木质产品制造装备 (Machinery of Wood Composite Materials)

   5.人造板工艺学 (Technology of Wood-based Panels)

6.木材切削原理与刀具(Theory of Wood Cutting and Tools)

7.家具设计(Furniture Design)

修业年限year of study


Flexible academic system is implemented in four years, study period is 3-6 years

、毕业学分和学位授予required credits


125 credits and HSK4 lead to the degree Bachelor of Engineering.

地址:浙江省杭州市临安区武肃街666号    Address:666 Wusu Street,lin'an District,Hangzhou,China 311300

国内电话:0571-63748756,0571-63926891    Overseas Tel:+86-571-63741155,+86-571-63926893    Email:iczafu@163.com

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